Welcome to the ACTIV website!
The association ACTIV (Association Clinique et Thérapeutique Infantile du Val de Marne) is ruled by French law 1-7-1901 and aims to promote clinical and epidemiologic studies and diagnostic and therapeutic research into pediatric diseases.
ACTIV is also an approved organisation under the research tax credit (section 244, B II of the CGI).
Founded in february 1988, ACTIV involves 2 main goals:
- Research
- Post-graduate teaching
ACTIV has the experience as well as structural, staff and methodological means to perform clinical studies, from protocol conception to national and international publication..
These studies are initiated by ACTIV, pediatricians in the field, university and official agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry etc.
The studies are performed partially or completely by ACTIV.
They cover research into infectious diseases (observatory, epidemiology, diagnostical, therapeutic methods, vaccinology) as well as dietetics, physiology, physiopathology to contribute to “evidence-based medicine”..
Although most of the studies are performed in an out-of-hospital environment, some take place in a hospital environment at a regional or national level.
ACTIV is part of the Group of Infectious Neonatal and Infantile Infections (GEMINI) Clinical Research Group (GRC), whose purpose is the real-time surveillance of infectious diseases and vaccine-preventable diseases in children.
This GRC was created in 2015, as a result of ACTIV research activity, CHI Créteil expertise in pediatric infectious disease and the creation of a Clinical Research Center (CRC) at CHI Créteil, of which ACTIV is a privileged partner.
Téléchargez la brochure de présentation d'ACTIV